
gergarfold@ 8:16pm 04-08-2024
i love lasagna, your web page is cool.
when im hungry, i feel like a bafoon.
your web page is nice.
like kitties on ice.
but something as cool as this.
can not be missed.
Camel@ 10:19am 11-13-2023
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”
― Albert Camus
angel@ 2:02pm 08-30-2023
It said click here if you're curious, and my curiosity is one thing I've always needed to satisfy...
Tin@ 7:10pm 06-24-2023
hoo hoo hee hee secrets
star@ 12:56am 04-30-2023
direct link :3c super awesome omg,. finding this right off the bat was surprising!!!
minty@ 3:41pm 02-15-2023
Like another person here, found from the rabbitquest game. Instead of that path however, it was after dying in it, and an option was marked "if you're curious."
kayo_chin@ 1:08pm 11-11-2022
I found this site on the neopets server
eggy@ 2:00am 09-21-2022
found this from the rabbitquest game! specifically, the book section and the "strange machine" link.
ren@ 9:28pm 08-25-2022
I got here after I got the 404 for clicking on free stuff! super cool. im high and thought it was a legit 404. great stuff man
Mason@ 7:03pm 08-11-2022
hehehe secret guestbook found...hello again! got here from the little graveyard gif on the sitemap! and because i forgot to link my site on the other guestbook.. for anyone who wound up here..
sean@ 8:48pm 05-31-2022
very cool 🐮
sikais@ 2:40pm 05-30-2022
love this shit
Mika@ 5:39pm 05-27-2022
Oh this is just delightful. I love discovering secrets like this! Shhhh... don't tell anyone I was here.
tyoma@ 6:31pm 04-06-2022
SECRET GUESTBOOK DISCOVERED.... i got here from the recent update that mentions the patho (2006) landing page :^)